
Thursday 24 December 2015


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561. Which is the best search tool for finding Web sites that have been handpicked and recommended by someone else?
562. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane oF
563. The highest average salinity amongst the following seas is reported from
564. The 2003 Right Livelihood Honorary Award honors ____, when the jury recognizes "for his steadfast work over many years for a world free of nuclear weapons".
565. Rana Pratap Sagar (Rajasthan) is famous for
566. The 'Cannes Award' is given for excellence in which field?
567. Ms. Meera Sahib Fathima Beevi is distinguished as the first lady
568. Of the various agencies related to the United Nations, the one that has the longest period is
569. Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education is located at
570. The birthday of which of the leader in India is observed as Children's day?

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