
Tuesday 15 December 2015


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301. The heavier silicates named as 'Sima' or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the
295. What is NAT?
294. Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called
302. Dr. Joon Lew of korea, the recipient of international Gandhi Award is known for his service in the?
303. The first nuclear reactor in India is
304. In the last one decade, which one among the following sectors has attracted the highest foreign direct investment inflows into India?
305. The ARDC is now a branch of the
306. The office of the prime minister of India
307. How many wickets Kapil Dev had taken in Test matches when he retired?
308. In which decade was the Internet first implemented?
309. What device for new parents did Ann Moore invent in 1969?
310. Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work

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