
Monday 14 December 2015


COMPUTER LANGUAGES HTML,C,C++.JAVA,.NET AND MULTIMEDIA basics and programs click home button


281. When discussing technology, a hot spot is...
282. In which decade was the telegraph invented?
283. Ornithology is the
284. In a normal human body, the total number of red blood cells is
285. Primary phloem develops from
286. Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN?
287. Bismillah Khan was associated with?
288. The study of day-to-day variations in weather called is called
289. The sulphites are a mineral group that contain one or more metallic elements in combination with the sulphate compound ____
290. On a cold day when a room temperature is 15oC, the metallic cap of a pen becomes much colder than its plastic body, though both are at the same temperature of 15oC, because

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